I shot the
Hip Hop Live Tour stop here in Washington DC at
9:30 Club as you might know from the
previous post. The lineup of the show was...
Rhythm Root All-Stars (a ten piece band from California),
B.O.B. (young rapper/singer/guitar player from ATL),
David Banner and
Talib Kweli.
Usually I'm not a huge fan of live hip hop shows. To impress me, you've gotta give me a SHOW! And David Banner did just that. His wild man antics on and mostly off stage were something I'd never seen before. From climbing up to the second level of the 9:30 Club, to jumping down from the second level, to standing on the bar, to spraying the crowd with a shaken up
Heineken. He was all over the place and showed just how much he loves his fans. In my younger days, I
wrote a review about one of his albums. It seems I wasn't a fan then, but I am now.
B.O.B. sounds like a young
Andre 3000...and he plays the guitar. Talib Kweli, while boasting impressive lyrics, put on a so-so performance in my very humble opinion. Shout out to
Rhythm Root All-Stars guitarist


David Banner

Talib Kweli