
______, Camera, Action!

Sports photography is a little difficult to execute when minimal light is available which is frequently the case at high school football games. Even with the D3's and the Canon EOS Mark IV's abilities to crank up to 1,000,000 ISO, the image quality is still pretty shitty. So, I usually don't shoot action at the games scheduled at 7pm. The light is gorgeous around that time in the beginning of September, but it quickly slinks behind trees and buildings, then disappears for the night.

Oddly, I've grown fond of the overhead fluorescent lights of locker rooms across the country. The light shines brightly overhead in one spot, then falls off pretty quickly. I think it compliments the tense drama often felt among teenagers in the caves of high school football.

So here we are again, football season officially begins. Hopefully I can avoid shooting the same pictures from last year. We'll see. Shout out to the Trainers. New blood, fresh start.

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McKinley Tech Football
McKinley Tech Football
McKinley Tech Football

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