The Imaginary Fort is a place in Bethesda where a few friends of mine operate the company called
Imaginary Feet. Tom McLeod, Emil Anticevic and Patrick Jackson (
yep, just shot his wedding) run a tech operation that develops iPhone and web apps, among other things. It's also a place where I go to complete the grueling work of a freelance photographer when I'm not out shooting.
Welcome to the Fort.
Pat, doing some yoga before coding.

Tom, always prepared.
Old blueprints from the previous occupant.
Tom and Emil, probably looking at Michael Jordan highlights.
Ansel Adams would not appreciate that fluorescent light.
The truck show.
Dexter working on his J. Crew catalog audition.
Emil, selling the Apple brand to Croatia.
Leftover Spongebob balloons from Pat's first day
Wicked cool NBA slam dunk competition art from
Danielle (Pat's beautiful bride), Pat, Dexter and Emil discussing potential San Francisco digs.
Pat laughing at Emil's latest iPhone app idea.
Me and Tom engaged in a viscous battle of NBA 2K11 in which I probably got the W. (Photo by Adam Dexter)