Well, I had a grand plan to spend all summer in Barry Farms photographing the ins and outs of the Goodman League but that plan was curtailed when I moved to California early in July. I did spend a good amount of time there in June and was even successful in shooting some portraits of the players. Ironically, the day I hopped on a plane, John Wall (DCs biggest basketball star) showed up and dropped 41. Oh well...at least I was able to shoot these portraits.
Lawrence Moten and Eddie Basden: Both DMVers who spent some time in the NBA.

I posted this photo over at the Syracuse blog, Troy Nunes is an Absolute Magician, since Moten is a legend among Orange fans.
Always love your photos, no matter the subject, so I was especially excited when I saw Lawrence Moten's name pop up.
Thanks! Yeah Moten is so nice! Dude can score at will and loves to go left...he's almost 40! It's amazing. I tried to find some youtube clips of him balling in the mid 90s but no luck. I was thoroughly impressed with his game.
He was one of those guys that at times didn't seem to be do anything on the court. Then the game would end and he'd have 20 points.
I guess you do that every game for four years and that's how you end up the all time leading Big East scorer!
Sad (and surprising) there aren't videos of him on YouTube!
Mike, these are amazing!
Thanks KC!!
Good reeading this post
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